
Come see me out in the real world! (Or not. The real world is scary.)

Apollycon 2025

Apollyon goes from April 9th-13th and Lish will have a booth there!

Norwescon April 17th, 2025

Thursday Panel

The Differences between Children's, Middle Grade, Young Adult, and New Adult

3:00pm - 4:00pm @ Cascade 5 & 6

Marta Murvosh (M), Natalie Leif, Charlie Hunts, Lish McBride

Cavalcade of Authors April 19th, 2025

Lish will be back in Tri-cities for Cavalcade of Authors, which is a great non-profit that brings authors in for a day of writing workshops for teens. There’s a bookstore signing that anyone can attend as well!

Cavalcade of Authors west Saturday April 26, 2025

A full day of writing with a ton of amazing authors for local teens in the Tacoma area!

Purple back ground with a flame logo. Fantasy script saying, "Fables and Flames Romantasy Gala"

Fables & Flames Nov 21-23, 2025

Lish will be attending Fables & Flames with a bunch of other great authors for a weekend of books and fun!

Recordings of Past Virtual Events

Past event-Virtual launch

In celebration of A Little Too Familiar’s release, Lish was in conversation with author Olivia Waite.

A photo collage of Martha Brockenbrough, Kendare Blake, Lish McBride and Margaret Owen

PAST EVENT-Fairy tale Extravaganza (virtual)

It's a Fairy Tale Extravaganza! Third Place Books is pleased to welcome Martha Brockenbrough to celebrate the release of her new YA novel, Into the Bloodred Woods. Martha will be joined in conversation by a cabal of Pacific Northwest YA writers—Lish McBride, Margaret Owen, and Kendare Blake!

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Past Event-Bookstore Romance Day Panel

Catch up on Bookstore Romance Day with Third Place Books! Panel discussion featuring Lish McBride, Alison Cochrun, Jayne Ann Krentz, Gail Carriger, and Sajni Patel discussing the intersection of genres (fantasy, young adult, historical fiction, steampunk, mystery/suspense) in Romance. Olivia Waite, author of the Feminine Pursuits series, will moderate the conversation.

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Past event-Curses Launch Party July 19th, 2021 6PM (PST)

I did a virtual launch through Third Place Books on July 19th! They recoded the event, so if you missed it, you can check out the link and watch it on Youtube. You can also still order signed books from there! (This is an all the time thing, not just for events.)

Past Event: P&P Live! YA Sci-Fi & Fantasy Summer Reads Panel—with Lish McBride, Natalie Mae, Andrea Robertson, and Laura Brook Robson (Virtual)

Politics & Prose hosted us for a virtual event and it was a lot of fun! Click on the link to watch the recording.

Want to stay up to date on up coming events and other news? Subscribe to Lish’s newsletter!