Taco by Vlad Verano
Frequently Asked Questions
I loved A Little Too Familiar—are there going to be any more books in the series?
Yes! Rough Around the Hedges comes out this year (2023) with a few more titles planned after that.
How many Sam books are there? Will there be more?
There are currently two Sam novels -- Hold Me Closer, Necromancer and Necromancing the Stone. I’m currently drafting the third Sam book on my Patreon. So Sam’s story isn’t over, I’m just not sure when it will be out in the world.
There are also five short stories featuring characters from the Sam books-- Heads Will Roll (Ed has a cameo) and We Should Get Jerseys... (Where Frank meets Sam, Ramon and Brooke for the first time) and Death & Waffles (featuring Ashley), and the short story bundle Freaks & Other Family (One story featuring Sam, one featuring Ramon). You can read the first at Tor.com (or download it to your eReader), the second was in an anthology called Cornered, the third is in the Fierce Reads anthology, Kisses & Curses, and the last two are available for download--or you can get a print edition! So fancy.
Is Firebug connected to the Sam books?
Firebug is set in the same world as Sam, only on the opposite coast with new characters. In fact, a few side characters have a cameo in Pyromantic.
Will Sam and Ava ever meet?
That is the current plan.
Will there be another Ava book?
Currently it's just Firebug and Pyromantic. There's also a short story called Burnt Sugar on Tor.com that you can read online or download to your eReader. I've written a few short stories on Patreon featuring the characters, and plan to put those out for download eventually. Much like Sam, I'm not done with these characters, but I'm not sure when another book will be available.
How do I find out what you're up to now?
I usually share things on my twitter, facebook, Instagram and Patreon, but for a good monthly round up, subscribe to my newsletter!
Will any of your books ever be movies? Why can't you make that happen?
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer made it as far as having the script written for a TV pilot, but none of my books are currently under option. It's not really something I can "make happen." Basically a studio has to buy the rights from me, and after that I will have little or no control over what happens. So sadly telling me your ideas for the films won't really change anything that happens, though I do enjoy hearing them.
Why can't I buy your books in my country?
The publishing world is an odd and murky place. When it comes to foreign sales it's not up to me where the book goes. Of course I want my book in your country! More readers is always a bonus, but I don't actually make that decision. My publisher owns the English speaking rights, which means they manage sales in my country as well as working with publishers in other English speaking areas. But if, for example, a publisher in England decides they don't want to buy it from my publisher, then my book isn't going to be very attainable over there. As for non-English speaking rights, that's handled seperately by a foreign rights agent and it all depends on a publisher in that country wanting my book enough to pay me for it and translate it to a different language. I love it when it happens, but again my control over such things is minimal.
I am a blogger/librarian/book seller/time traveler from a time when there are no books and I would like a ARC of your new book -- how do I make that happen?
I’m currently between publicists, so direct any questions to me at lishmcbride@gmail.com.
I want to invite you to my school, library, book store, space ship, private zoo, birthday party. How do I do that?
First of all, thank you for thinking of me. You contact my agent Cheyenne Faircloth at cheyenne@handspunlit.com.
You never come to my town--how can I get something signed?
Check out my signed copies tab in the website menu! I also have information about signed bookplates for those that have already purchased my books. (Hidden under the Libro.FM spot.)
I emailed you yesterday--why haven't you responded?
I don't have a helper monkey or anything to help me with emails and such--I do it all myself. I also have 2 kids (one still a feral eight year old), and usually I'm working on more than one writing project and sometimes other freelance work. Basically, I'm really busy and I work too much. So sometimes it takes me a bit to reply to email messages, especially if you ask questions that actually require a few minutes of thought to respond to. I don't mind answering questions or emails! It just takes me a bit to get to them because writing comes first.
Are you on facebook, Twitter or Instagram?
I have an author account (you can tell because it is my name and it says "author") on facebook. Please friend that one and not my personal account. You will get very little book-y information on my personal account. I’m also on Twitter and Instagram—just click on the helpful icons and they will take you right to that page.